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You have to go back to the dentist to get it replaced with a new one, because if you don't the dental work underneath the crown will be ruined

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Q: What do i do if i Lose my temporary crown?
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What are the effects of putting dental braces on crowns and temporary crowns?

Dental braces are not a comfortable thing to have. If you have a temporary crown and braces then things can get even more uncomfortable. The crown and temporary crown should not interfere with the braces though.

How long can temporary crowns remain on teeth without causing damage?

you should only wear a temporary crown until your perm. crown comes in. a temporary crown will eventually break or come off if the temp comes off and you dont get the perm crown on your tooth could shift and the perm crown wont fit then you have to start all over and may be charged a lab fee to remake the crown.

Is it accepted practice for a temporary dental crown to be made of filling material?

Temporary or provisional crowns can be made of lots of things, including filling material. By its definition, the temporary crown is designed to only preserve the prep and maintain the space until the permanent crown is ready to be placed. This should be only a fews days to a few weeks. As long as the temporary crown lasts intact until the permanent crown is placed, what it is made of is not all that important.

Why does a temporary crown hurt so bad?

its not like the one you had before

How do you you get rid of blister caused by temporary crown?

You probably won't be able to completely get rid of a blister caused by a temporary crown. You could call your dentist and see if they had any recommendation. You could use Orajel to help with the pain.

Temporary crown smell?

Its bacteria accumulated feom bleeding and food and plaque getting in between the temp crown because its not fitted perfectly. Once you get real crown it will be better.

Why is their string hanging out of temporary crown?

Because the dentist forgot to remove it after he/she took imaging.

Can you lose a cold?

Yes, a cold is only a temporary illness.

What is the difference between permanent pole and temporary pole?

a Temporary Magnet lose its magnetism quickly, a Permanent Magnet is hard and it keeps it magnetism

What types of magnets are easy to magnetize but lose magnetism quickly?

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temporary magnets

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