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Call 911, and when they ask what's wrong, don't hesitate to tell them he od'd meth. The difference between life and death, at that point, is just telling the paramedics the truth. Don't lie and say you don't know, or they will die.

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Q: What do i when someone overdoseing on meth?
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What would happen if someone injected meth into their heart?

If someone injected meth into their heart it would kill them.If someone injected meth into there heart, it will increase the speeds of their breathing, heart rate, thoughts and actions.

How do you know if someone is making meth out of amphetamines?

You don't. First, meth is an amphetamine. If you are referring to amphetamine as in Adderall, you can't make meth out of that.

How do you no you are overdoseing on27 Xanax?

You probably wont know, as you will be so high, you won't know much of anything!

What is a hot shot of meth?

a hot shot of meth is a bad shot, or not really meth. its some other chemical given in place of meth to someone to either make them sick or kill them. basically replacing methn with poison.

How long does someone live on Meth?

Believe it or not I have used Meth for over 40 years. To say the least I have a very strong tolerance to it.

What are some of the dangers of smoking meth?

There are many dangers to smoking meth. The main one is that it can rot someone's teeth, skin and internal organs. Another problem with meth is that is disrupts mental facilities.

What does Tina mean in personal ads?

slang for someone who uses meth

How long is someone high on meth?

A few hours to 24 hours

How do you make someone understand that their crystal meth use is killing them?

you show them before and after pictures of them selves

Can you get methamphetamine in your system if someone around you is smoking it?

Yes, secondhand exposure to methamphetamine smoke can potentially result in trace amounts of the drug entering your system through inhalation or skin contact. However, the likelihood and extent of absorption would depend on factors such as proximity to the source, duration of exposure, and ventilation in the area.

Can a man addicted to meth be tested and prescribed Straterra with positive results?

if the meth addict has add and is self medicating with meth than maybee strattera might help the add but not the meth withdrawl, addreall, vyvance, or dexadrine will help with withdrawl, and the add strattera is one of the only add meds that is not a stimulant. so your add may be fixed, but you may not be awake long enough to find out otherwise quite the meth and the add will go away If someone is addicted to meth, any ADHD symptoms may be attributable to the meth. Also, I'm not sure of the exact interactions between meth and strattera, but I know that meth will increase the rate of metabolism for the strattera, so it will be less effective. I believe that in order to have positive results, the addiction to meth should be addressed first before trying to treat the ADHD with strattera. If someone is addicted to meth, any ADHD symptoms may be attributable to the meth. Also, I'm not sure of the exact interactions between meth and strattera, but I know that meth will increase the rate of metabolism for the strattera, so it will be less effective. I believe that in order to have positive results, the addiction to meth should be addressed first before trying to treat the ADHD with strattera.

You used meth one time on friday and you need to pass a swab test on monday?

Meth can stay in someone's saliva for 3 days up to 1 week. That test might fail.