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Q: What do ice melt do for the earth?
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The ice started to melt in the north because of goble warming?

no, the earth is going the its cycle. The earth was one in an ice age and got really hot to melt all the ice. So it just happening now to us.

If a lot of Earth ice melt an effect could be that?

The seas would rise.

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Is it true that all of Antarctica might melt and nothing will be left of it?

Antarctica is a continent, one of seven on earth and its soil comprises about 10% of the earth's surface. The vast ice cap on Antarctica could melt, but continents do not melt.

What happens if you melt an ice cube?

it will become water If you melt an ice cube it will melt

Is salt the same as ice melt?

no, but ice melt is a salt

Is corundum used to melt ice or as an abrasive?

To melt ice

If all the ice in Antarctica melted, would it flood the Earth?

No it would not also the ice will most likely never melt lol

What is in ice melt?

Ice melt is made up of chemicals that are intended to melt ice. These chemicals often include salt as well.

Can garlic powder melt ice?

No garlic powder can not melt ice.