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Q: What do iguana's look like?
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What does a iguana look like?

Male iguanas are typically larger than females.

What does a male Chameleon look like?

Male iguanas are typically larger than females.

Do iguanas look like their parents when they are born?

Baby iguanas are so cute there lime green , they can not whip there tail its like a limp noodle tail. they are extremely hard to feed , Probably have to force feed, Its better to get a young adult iguana , being that they take so long to grow.they look kind of like a baby lizard.same size.

How do iguanas look?

Like big ugly lizards that looks like the thing on the geico commercial but doesn't have those things in the side of it's head.

What does a green iguanas mouthparts and teeth look like?

You can't even see their teeth, but they're there, and very sharp. when you look inside an iguanas mouth, all you'll see is gum and tongue. but make no mistake, their teeth can cause VERY painful bites. just watch them eat veggies, they can literally destroy them.

How do iguanas hide from their enemies?

The use camoflage to blend into the jungle. The iquanas scales and color make it look like part of the forest, a vine or leaf.

What habitat do iguanas live in?

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How do iguanas look like?

For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click under the related links section (Wikipedia) indicated directly below this answer section.

Are iguanas cold blooded or warm blooded?

they are cold blooded just like all reptiles.

Are iguanas picky?

Iguanas are picky.

Do iguanas have to be in the heat?

Domestic iguanas do.

How do green iguanas camouflage?

Iguanas are reptiles. All reptiles have a covering of scaly skin. They do not actually have individual scales like fish do.