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You can't even see their teeth, but they're there, and very sharp. when you look inside an iguanas mouth, all you'll see is gum and tongue. but make no mistake, their teeth can cause VERY painful bites. just watch them eat veggies, they can literally destroy them.

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Q: What does a green iguanas mouthparts and teeth look like?
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How and why iguanas camouflage?

They don't change color like achameleon but they do blend in quite well with colors closest to their skin tone. for instance, green iguanas hide better in leaves, and red iguanas hide better in dirt. it's not that they TRY tocamouflage they just like to go to places where they naturally blend in.

How do green iguanas camouflage?

Iguanas are reptiles. All reptiles have a covering of scaly skin. They do not actually have individual scales like fish do.

Where can you buy green iguanas in Dallas?

- Try Dallas craigslist. There are some great deals there, like $10, also go to Petland frisco, they have one little guy at the moment for $29, also the petcos in rock wall and garland have some green and red iguanas also for $29.

Is an Iguana a pest?

iguanas are the biggest harmless lizards. first they are green secondly they eat plants and they don't eat meat. iguanas don't come to your house like mice they like there habitat, they wount be able to live in a human house they couldn't survive

How do iguanas protect themselves?

they don't have any natural predators on the galapagos islands. in other situations they would use their tail to strike their attacker like other iguanas and their claws and teeth are about the same. iguanas adopt postures to make themselves appear larger and more threatening to warn off predators. and, like many young animals, camouflage is always a possibility with hatchlings.

Do iguanas change looks?

i just happen to know that there are severel types of iguanas and diffrent ones have diffrent colors. but iguanas do not! change their color to blend in with the environment!!! for protection iguanas have 3 usefull features a powerful whipping tail with larger iguanas known to draw the blood with it, a very powerful bite, feels like scissors slicing you,, and sharp claws,although this feature is more for climbing than a defence mechanism,.. your iguana may change its color as it grows but it will not change dramatically. if its green it will always be green if red- red and so forth. i have three iguanas of my own i know th ese things from experience. tyler Jones

What is the difference between mandibulates and chelicerates?

They have different mouth parts used for feeding. Mandibulates have mandibles, or opposing mouthparts which are like jaws. Cherlicerates have pincer-like mouthparts (cherlicera).

Where do iguanas sleep?

Usually they sleep on high tree branches, since they like to be high up. I have a baby green iguana and he always climbs to the top of his cage to sleep

Can iguanas eat mango?

The post below me is somewhat false. Iguanas can have lettuce. However, they can't have certain types of lettuce as it is poisonous to them. The main two types of lettuce you can give your iguanas is red or green leaf lettuce. It is the best for them. But yes, iguanas can also have mangoes. I never gave my Iggy mangoes, but they can have them. Do NOT give your iguana anything like apples, pineapple, stuff like that...It will eat their stomach. (17 year s experience with iguanas). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, one of the best fruits you can give them. Just remember fruits should only make up 10% of their diet. Feed them leafy greens like Collards. Never lettuce.

Do green braces look gross?

They could, like you had something in your teeth. But just pick a color you like.

Do iguanas look like their parents when they are born?

Baby iguanas are so cute there lime green , they can not whip there tail its like a limp noodle tail. they are extremely hard to feed , Probably have to force feed, Its better to get a young adult iguana , being that they take so long to grow.they look kind of like a baby lizard.same size.

Where did iguanas come from?

Green Iguana are naturally from South America; South Brazil , Paraguay, Mexico , and the Caribbean Island specially in Puerto Rico and they are very common throughout the island where is seen as an intruder animal from South America; and in the United States as feral populations inSouth Florida (including the Florida Keys), Hawaii, and the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.