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feed their babies

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Q: What do kangaroos do after they regurgitate their food?
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Related questions

How many pounds do kangaroos eat a day?

Kangaroos, like cows, have chambered stomachs and will regurgitate their food to aid in digestion. Kangaroos are primarily grazers and receive most of their moisture from their food.

How do you use the word regurgitate in a sentence?

Please do NOT regurgitate your food.

What animals regurgitate instead of defecate their food?

owls do they regurgitate it

How do kangaroos store food?

Kangaroos do not store food.

What birds regurgitate food to feed their babies?


Do tree kangaroos hide their food?

No. Tree kangaroos do not hide their food.

Do all birds regurgitate to feed their young?

Animals that regurgitate their food are cows, birds and wolves. Other animals that regurgitate their food are the anaconda and the jackal.

An owl will cough up the food it cannot digest in the form of what?

they will regurgitate the food.

What do the 4 chambers in a kangaroos stomach do?

They digest the kangaroos food

What do red kangaroos do?

Red kangaroos are herbivores, primarily eating grass and other vegetation, feeding in the early morning and late afternoon/evening towards sunset. Besides grass, they eat young shoots and tender leaves of native shrubs. They enjoy grains as well, but being herbivorous, they do not eat any other animals. Red kangaroos are grazing animals, and they will regurgitate their food to chew like cattle chew their cud. Red kangaroos need access to water to survive. They cannot survive on just the food they eat for sufficient moisture, despite what some websites may report.

What food do seagulls give their babies?

The adult birds regurgitate partially digested food for their young.

Do pheasants regurgitate food?

All owls cough up their food into nice neat pellets.