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Q: What do kangaroos use there arms for?
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Does kangaroos have arms or paws?

Kangaroos have paws not arms they use there paws to grasp food

Why do kangaroos have broken arms?

Kangaroos do not have broken arms.

How many arms do a snake have?

They have 5,000,000,000 arms and they use them to box with the kangaroos, they always win and goe eat turtle and there shells hole. They swim wiht wales and use there arms to swim. | | \/ no they have no arms you dumbo go eat a twinkie fat boii

When do red kangaroos use their forelimbs to move?

Red kangaroos use their forelegs when they graze. At these times, they "walk" between patches of grass by pulling themselves along with their forelegs. Their hind legs are incapable of moving independently on land, so the hind legs and tail are slid behind the body as the forelegs pull them along. Kangaroos also use their forelimbs to swim. In the water, their powerful hind legs can move independently, but the forelegs are still used for paddling.

Can kanaroos swim?

Kangaroos can not swim because Kangaroos can only hop not walk! Plus, there arms are too small!

What are the kangaroos carrying on the Western Australia coat of arms?

The Western Australian coat-of-arms features two kangaroos supporting a shield. The shield itself features a black swan swimming on one of the blue ripples of the shield.

How do kangaroos represent Australia?

Kangaroos are native Australian marsupials. They only represent Australia in that different species are found all over Australia, and the kangaroo is on Australia's coat of arms. Kangaroos are not a national symbol of Australia.

What do kangaroos represent?

Kangaroos do not represent anything specifically. As the kangaroo is on the Australian coat of arms, it is sometimes regarded as representing forward progress, as the kangaroo is unable to step backwards.

How do kangaroos sense light?

Kangaroos have eyes. They use their eyes to sense light.

Why do kangaroos have long legs but not long arms?

Kangaroos do not need long forlimbs. Their "arms" and claws are used for grasping hold of food. When walking, kangaroos support themselves with their front legs and tail while they pull their hind legs along. Apart from that, their usual method of locomotion is hopping and bounding, and their short forelimbs are not required for that.

Why does a kangaroo have arms?

Kangaroos have short forelegs. They use these forelegs to grasp food; to "box" each other (usually occurring between territorial males); and to help them rest comfortably as well as to get up from a resting position.

What animals are on the Tasmanian coat of arms?

If its the Australian Coat of Arms then the animals are a Kangaroo and an Emu.