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Kids eat pretty much the same stuff as adults.

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Q: What do kids eat for ThanksGiving dinner?
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Where is the best place to eat Thanksgiving dinner in Bloomington Illinois?

The best place too eat Thanksgiving dinner anywhere is in your own home with your family and those who care about you.

How many people are at an average Thanksgiving dinner in your community?

The number of people at the average Thanksgiving dinner in a community depends on the size of families and their extended families, as people tend to eat Thanksgiving dinner with their families.

What did the wampanoags eat for Thanksgiving dinner?

they ate the three sisters

What do people in Poland eat on Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is celebrated in North American, not in Poland.

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At Christmas what did we burn but now eat?

well you would probably burn your thanksgiving dinner then eat a big x- mas dinner and gain that weight =]

What else did the Pilgrims eat at the Thanksgiving dinner besides corn and rice?

The Pilgrims' first Thanksgiving dinner included potatoes, fowl, and beans. I'm not so sure they had rice.

What is a Thanksgiving dinner staple?

Turkey is a Thanksgiving dinner staple.

What is a sentence that starts with a k and has to do with Thanksgiving?

Kinfolk visiting is a tradition of Thanksgiving. Kids love Thanksgiving because they can eat what ever they like. Kissing all the aunties is not the best part of Thanksgiving for the kids.

What time do most people eat thanksgiving dinner is US?

2-3 pm

What food do we eat today at Thanksgiving was not served at the first Thanksgiving dinner?

A whole bunch of stuff. But stuffing and pie, if you want some examples.

Why do Norwegian children traditionally eat for dinner on Thanksgiving Day?

Thanksgiving isn't celebrated in Norway. Thanksgiving is an British and American holiday, some other countries have different names for it.