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Q: What do large numbers of leaf stomata indicate about the growing climate of that plant?
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What does a larger number of leaf stomata indicate the growing climate of that plant?

A high concentration of of stomata indicates fast growth and that the plant lives in a wet climate.

What does a larger number of leaf stomata indicate about the growing climate of that plant?

A high concentration of of stomata indicates fast growth and that the plant lives in a wet climate.

What are stomata in biological terms?

Stomata are small openings on a leaf through which oxygen and carbon dioxide can move through.

What are the pores on leaves called?

These are known as stomata - pronounced stoh-muh-tuh ; the singular form is stoma.The are generally found on the underside of the leaves and sometimes along the stems; theyallow for gaseous exchange between the leaf and the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide in and water vapour and oxygen out (transpiration).They are normally on the underside of leaves as the waxy cuticle covers the upper epidermis; strangely some plants that are grown in tissue culture have stomata on both leaf surfaces, as a cuticle does not develop until the tissue culture plantlets are exposed to an open environment (and ultraviolet light).Plants growing in arid areas have fewer stomata to reduce transpiration where as plants in tropical areas have large or many stomata to take advanatge of the ideal growing conditions.

Why are stomata absent or present in low numbers in the upper epidermis?

To minimize the rate of transpiration

What is the small opening under a leaf called?


Do all plants have the same amount of stomata?

No, not all plants have the same number of stomata. Stomata numbers vary among different plant species and can be influenced by environmental factors.

What is the openings on the underside of leaves?

stomata =Specialized passages through the cuticle that enable plants to exchange gases.

Specialized structures that allow gas to enter and leave leaf?


Which part of a plant has stomata?

It is a pore,large numbers of which are present in the epidermis of leaves (especially on the undersurface) and young shoots

What is singular form of stomata?

Stomata is already the plural form of stoma.

What part of the plant exchanges gases?

The Stoma or the Stomata (plural) .