

What do ligers sound like?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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15y ago

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yes ligers do roar

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Q: What do ligers sound like?
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Related questions

What is a ligers mating habits?

Ligers are so playful! and also ligers like swimming! cool right?

How do ligers communicate?

Beings they are all cats they do different growls, and other cat like noises that sound similar to one another.

What are ligers like?

Ligers are part female tiger with a male lion to get I liger

What are locomotions of ligers?

Like its parents, the tiger and lion, the liger has four legs, in order to move around. They like to stay near water and go swimming.

How do ligers move?

like cats

Why do people kill ligers?

WIKIANSWER I AM VERY MAD AT YOU RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! how dare you have a question like this on this website,, ligers are my friends , ligers are my life. BAd Rhonda

Do liger like to swim?

Yes, ligers like to swim.

Why do ligers live in zoo's?

because they feel like it

What type of weather do ligers like?

warm weather

Does ligers have royalty like lions?

they are made from a female tiger and a male lion, so yes the do have royalty like lions. ligers are twice the size as a normal tiger

What are ligers young?

Since male ligers are sterile, there usually aren't any. If there were, they'd be cubs, just like the young of the original animals.

What do ligers do on their free time?

Ligers have a lot of free time to do the things that they like. They enjoy eating. They also enjoy playing in the water, and napping.