

What do lions do in there time other than prey?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Lions would mate or sleep

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Q: What do lions do in there time other than prey?
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The paws of lions are important in catching and killing prey, large strong paws make this easier.

Are Siberian tigers knowen to eat humans?

Siberians do sometimes prey on humans. All tiger subspecies will from time to time, but the Bengal tiger has killed more humans over time than all other species of cats, including lions.

Is a lions speed an inherited trait?

Yes. Over time that faster lions caught more prey and left more descendants who were also fast.

How often does a male lion hunt?

The male lions can and will hunt if necessary when the female lions need help to bring down a bigger prey. The female lions will hunt the majority of the time.

Why is night time the best time for the lions to attack?

Darkness provides the hunters with better cover, to stalk closer to their prey.

How do lions defend themselves?

They bite scratch, roar and tackle. not as though it is very often that they need to. The only time would be when is being attacked by an other lion.They use their claws and teeth.Attack with their teeththey defend themselves with their lcaws

Do lions eat alligators?

No, lions are African and Asian and alligators are American. They do not live on the same continent.

What is the difference between a tigers and a lions speed?

Tigers can run faster and for longer time and distance than lions...

How many lions survive?

lion are stronger than tigers and lion hunt way lager prey but the only reason why they have prides is becuase they dont have very good stelth in fact a lion coul kill a middle aged elephant that would crush the tigers and a single lion could kill a girafe a subadult elephant a crocodile and infact lions are noun for killing healthy prey whiles tigers kill young sick or injured prey and lions have been noun to kill buffalous that are in a herd butt tigers single them out and lions have more dangerous enemies like buffalo elephant wild dogs and hayenas and lions are as flexeble as tigers or maybe more they have to be dogde kicks from prey and whiles the biggest prey a lion could kill is a six ton prey tigers only prey on two ton prey and tigers get killed by dhole brown bears guars and indian or water bofalo and rhinoceres 5o percent 0f the time lions only get killed by elephant girrafs and females and yuong ones crocs and hayenas and infact lion are fiercer than tigers cuase a guy in kenya got killed by a lion breaking the wind screen while tiger atack on humuans are not even close to that and lions are better hunters so u guys are wrong and exagerating

How does a lion get its prey?

A lion gets his prey by letting the lionesses kill it. The lions use a click language to plan their hunt. When the female lions are in the proper position they make some clicks. Then the male lion roars. The animals run toward the lionesses. They do not realize they are running toward danger. Then the lionesses jump on them and kill them. Sometimes herds of animals are migrating. During those times the lions must follow the herds. At that time the lions catch the stragglers.

What if Africa did not have lions?

If Africa lost lions the animals they prey on would likely overpopulate. This overpopulation would be a major spread of disease and starvation over time. This would make the whole system out of whack and the problems could spread.

How do lions change their environment?

lions have changed over time by all different types of ther