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Q: What do lions use to camouflage themselves?
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How do lions defend themselves to survive?

sharp teeth and they camouflage with grass

Why is camouflage important to lions?

to catch their prey but i don't think lions have camouflage

How do you use sentence in camouflage?

How do you use camouflage in a sentence?The soldiers used branches and leaves to camouflage their equipment.Some animals can camouflage themselves very well.

Do lions camouflage themselves to blend in?

I think its up to the lion, but in animal extinct they will probably blend in to catch there pray .

Do lions use camouflage?

Of course they do. Their fur blends in with the dry yellow grass thats around themyes lions use their color to blend in

Why do lions use camouflage?

they do when its too hot to run or if prey is too fast

Where does white lions live?

Almost all White Lions are in captivity because they are not able to camouflage themselves in the wild, so they can't hide to hunt or hide from enemies and they die in the wild.

How can white lions camouflage?

they don't

Why do some stingrays camouflage themselves?

To camouflage themselves and to hide from preditors

Do fawns use pine cones to camouflage themselves?

Maybe maybe not.

How many animals can camouflage themselves?

This depends on your definition of camouflage. It can be said that all animals camouflage themselves to some degree, called Crypsis camouflage. i guess a crypsis camouflage

What is the function of camouflage tarps?

Camouflage tarps are used to hide objects or people from others. Hunters often use camouflage tarps to hide themselves and their movements from their prey.