

What do liquid molecules do?

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: What do liquid molecules do?
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What happens to a fluid when it heats?

When the liquid molecules are heated, they move faster so the liquid boils and some molecules becomes gas molecules. When the liquid molecules are heated, they move faster so the liquid boils and some molecules becomes gas molecules.

What is true if a liquid and a gas are in equilibrium?

liquid molecules forming a gas and gas molecule forming a liquid are equal in number

Why do water molecules cohere to form a liquid?

Water molecules are already in liquid form.

Why do molecules at the surface of a liquid behave differently from molecules in the interior of the liquid?

In the interior the intermolecular forces of attraction is equal in all directions but the molecules at the surface of liquid experiences unequal intermolecular forces of attraction. the molecules at the surface are free so the adsorb liquid or gaseous molecules

What is the difference between the molecules in a hot solid and hot liquid?

The molecules in a solid vibrate in place. The molecules of a liquid are moving about.

Is a liquid a very structured molecule?

Molecules of all compounds are structured.The liquid as a state of matter is not very structured.

Do liquid molecules have a strong attraction to one another?

no, because liquid molecules spread from one another

Is the inward force among the molecules of the liquid?

The inward force among the molecules of a liquid is Surface Tension

What does movement of molecules in a liquid allow the liquid to do?


Do molecules have more freedom of movement in the solid state than in the liquid state?

No in a solid the molecules are fixed in position while in a liquid they can move around - that is why a liquid is 'liquid'.

Why a gas would have higher entropy than a liquid?

Gas molecules have fewer constraints on their location, than liquid molecules. Molecules in a liquid have to remain in contact with the other molecules of the liquid, and are limited to a specific volume. Gas molecules can go anywhere, they are not connected to anything. So with more possible locations, gas molecules represent a state of higher entropy or disorder.

How do liquid particles behave?

The molecules in a liquid are bound by moderate attractions, neither weak nor strong. So, liquid molecules move around a bit, but they are not as free-flowing as the molecules of a gas. Still, attractions are continually created and broken in a liquid.