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there is convection in the mantle. it causes the plates to move.

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Q: What do lithospheric plate movements have to do with convection?
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Drives the movements of the plates?

Convection currents in the mantle drive plate movements.

What are the Plate tectonics for Haiyuan ningxia China?

the study of lithospheric plates ,their movements and earth's features that they affect.

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Heat from the Earth's core which drives lithospheric plate movements, and provides a magnetosphere which allows an atmosphere to exist. english not random stuff please

What drives movement of the plates?

Convection currents in the mantle drive plate movements.

What is a basal drag?

It is a force that could be contributing or complementing mantle convectional currents in the movements of lithospheric or tectonic plates. This force is generated when there is friction between convectional currents and the lithospheric or tectonic plate that lies above.

What layer drives the movement of plates?

Convection currents in the mantle drive plate movements.

What describes a cause of lithospheric plate movement across the surface of earth?

the plates are driven across the surface by convection currents within the plastic rock of the asthenosphere.

What is the mantle important?

The mantle is where convection cells are formed. Convection currents help stimulate the tectonic plate movements thus recycling sediments and soil.

What is importance of the mantle?

The mantle is where convection cells are formed. Convection currents help stimulate the tectonic plate movements thus recycling sediments and soil.

Why does the rate of movement of tectonic plates change?

The rate of movement of a lithospheric plate will change as the resistance in the path of convection is increased or decreased because of the types of convergent collisions.

What lithospheric plate is the largest?

The last person to answer was a complete and total idiot. The correct answer is the Pacific Plate.

Why is the asthenosphere important to the theory of plate tectonics?

It is the movement of ductile rock in the asthenosphere caused by convection currents that creates movement of the lithospheric plates. It is the conveyor belt on which the plates move.