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Q: What do many scientists believe in the common origin of all birds?
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What do many scientists Believe is the common of all birds?

Avian-like dinosaur.A+. Tony B.

What do many scientist believe is the common origin of all birds?

Avian-like dinosaur.A+. Tony B.

Most scientists now believe that birds evolved directly from bipedal?

Most scientists believe that birds evolved directly from bipedal, terrestrial dinosaurs.

What do scientists believe dinosaurs evolved from?

Birds, which are not just considered descendants of dinosaurs; they are dinosaurs.

How do birds know where to when they migrate?

scientists believe birds detect changes in the temperature and daylight as days get shorter and the amount of light decreases, birds produce certain hormones that seem to trigger the drive to migrate

Why do scientists believe that birds evolved from dinosaurs?

Birds are thought to have evolved from bipedal dinosaurs.

Before civilization where was an American robin's natural habitat?

Robins were birds of forest clearings, as were bluebirds. Scientists believe that since the eastern forest was mostly cleared, these species are more common today than 200 years ago.

Why do some scientist believe that dinosaurs were the primogenitors of the modern birds?

Scientists have found a number of fossils of theropod dinosaurs with anatomy remarkably similar to that of birds. Many dinosaurs are now known to have had feathers.

Are chickens dinosaurs?

Chickens are birds, which scientists believe descended from the dinosaurs. So, in a way, yes, chickens are dinosaurs.

Did dodo birds live in packs?

by having an orgy

Why do scientists think that dinosasurs evolved into birds?

90% of modern birds

What is origin of flying reptiles?

flying reptiles are in fact birds. as animals are now being classified into monophyletic groups, we must include birds as reptiles as well because they came from a common ancester