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rising magma moves due to density differences

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Jaunita Hand

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Q: What do mid oceans and hot spots beneath ocean plates have in common?
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Do oceanic plates move?

the ocean plates move because of the movement of the the tectonic plates beneath the ocean and do to the motion of the oceans currents.

When oceans plates collide with continental plates the denser ocean plate does what?


What do earths tectonic plates do?

The plates (continental and ocean plates) ride atop the asthenosphere, a layer of viscous rock in the upper mantle beneath the crust.

Can you find an ocean on mars?

No. While there is evidence of liquid water beneath the surface there are no oceans on Mars.

What ocean begins with A?

The Arctic Ocean (The sea beneath the north Polar ice cap)

Which ocean would you find divergent plate boundaries?

The Oceans that are associated with divergent plates boundary includes; Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Antarctic Ocean and Indian Ocean.

What do the Atlantic and pacific oceans have in common?

there both oceans and They both have mid-ocean ridges.

What will happen to the pacific ocean?

The Pacific Ocean is shrinking as the Atlanic Ocean is spreading. Subduction is occurring in the Pacific ocean and the continental plates are moving and that changes the placement of the oceans.

Is land masses and oceans are permanently set in place?

According to the theory of plate tectonics, no. The theory of plate tectonics basically states that all the continents and oceans rest on massive pieces of the Earth's crust called "plates". These plates sort of float on the mantle beneath them. Thus, plates are able to move. Sometimes, one plate can get pulled underneath another one, in a process known as subduction. Because plates are constantly moving, the continents and oceans that rest above them move also. This is why the Pacific ocean is gradually getting smaller, the Atlantic gradually growing, etc.

Why are there more and more active volcanoes?

Due to the tectonic plates beneath the ocean moving and creating magma.

What is happening to the Pacific?

The Pacific Ocean is shrinking as the Atlanic Ocean is spreading. Subduction is occurring in the Pacific ocean and the continental plates are moving and that changes the placement of the oceans.

When plates beneath the ocean move apart from one another what happens to the magma below?

Magma is extruded as lava at the mid-ocean ridges when they are pulled apart.