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Three states of matter. Solid, liquid and gaseous. Of course there is a fourth state called ionic state of matter.

In solid atoms or molecules are well packed and they form mostly crystal structure.

In liquid, atoms or molecules or ions will be in random motion.

In gas, the motion will be severe and the attraction between atoms or molecules or ions will be almost negligibly small.

So when liquid is changed into solid the free roaming atoms or molecules will be arrested and they are bound to form lattice and start to have lattice vibrations.

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Well, Water Changes into a Solid...Ice.

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Q: What do most liquids become when they change into a solid?
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How a solid change into a liquid?

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The physical properties are of course different.

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Solids do not mix well because there shape can not change. But a liquid and a gas can change their form. For example- you can't just change the shape of ice, but you can change the shape of water. Hope that helps

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With liquids you can just stick in a thermometer into it. But with solids sometimes you can't do that (because it's solid obviously) so I guess measuring liquids is more accurate in most cases.

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Most plastics are actually liquids .... they are just very viscous. The glass in your window is also a liquid. A solid has a defined crystal structure. Things like asphalt, plastic, and glass don't have a crystal structure and are therefore liquids. Really think, viscous liquids. As you heat them, they become softer and softer as opposed to melting and changing to a liquid all at once.

How do a liquid change into a solid?

Most solids become liquid at their melting point. Heat water above 0°C, or iron above 1,535°C, and they will become a liquid.