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Q: What do most stars form in spiral galaxys?
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The majority of known galaxies are which shape?

The two most common shapes for galaxies are a spiral, or an ellipse (circle or oval). All other shapes are considered uncommon.

What galaxy has the youngest stars?

Most new, young, stars can be found in the arms of spiral galaxies

What is the shape of a Spiral Galaxy?

Spiral galaxies are named for the (usually two armed) spiral structures that extend from the centre into the disk.The spiral arms are sites of ongoing star formation and are brighter than the surrounding disk because of the young, hot stars.See related link for a pictorial representation.

What do people use most iTouches or Galaxys?

Itouch defiantly.

What will most massive stars form?

The most massive stars will form ultra large stars, which will collapse into black holes upon their demise.

What are the spiral arms the site of?

Spiral arms are parts of galaxies - both the galaxies and their spiral arms are huge, by our everyday standards. Spiral arms basically contain most of what the galaxies contain - including stars, dust, gas.

Is a galaxy shaped like a ball and containing only older stars most likely spiral galaxy?

It ture

What kind of cluster is a tight group of older stars in the halo of spiral galaxies called?

I think you are describing a "globular cluster", which are associated with older stars by most astronomers.

In which type of galaxy would you be most likely to observe a massive star supernovae in a giant elliptical galaxy or in a large spiral galaxy?

Large Spiral Galaxy. This is because they contain more of the OB stars that are required for a supernova event. Elliptical galaxies tend to be older and have more low mass stars and are not as common as spiral galaxies. See Link for more information

What is a name for many stars?

Many stars together can make up a galaxy. Depending on the arrangement of the stars, they could either make up an elliptical, spiral, barred spiral, lenticular, or irregular galaxy. Stars can also be together by gravity in clusters. Stars that are clustered together in a spherical group are called globular clusters. Many stars are binary stars, meaning that 2 stars circle around either each other, or around a central point of gravity. These are the most basic star groupings in which there are "many" stars.

Why are spiral galaxies so bright?

The brightness of normal galaxies is mainly due to stars; quasars are believed to get most of their energy output from the black hole at their center.

What do spiral galaxies have a nucleus of?

A spiral galaxy nucleus contains a mass of stars in a "bulge" and is thought that many contain supermassive black holes at the very core of the nucleus.-In galaxies with tightly wound spiral arms the bulge generally contains old, red stars with low metal content (called population II stars); whereas galaxies with more loose arms generally have younger, blue stars (called population I stars). Some bulges have similarities to the elliptical galaxies and others are similar to disk galaxies.-Evidence of supermassive black holes have been discovered in many galaxies and theorized to exist in many more galaxies (at least the larger ones). Our own Milky Way Galaxy contains a supermassive black hole at its core.