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Q: What do non human primates have to do with the apgar test?
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Why are primates called nonhuman?

They aren't all non-human because humans are primates. Other primates include monkeys and chimpanzees and orangutans and gorillas, which are non-humans because they're not human.

Do male non human primates have penis foreskins?

Most of them do.

What is primatology?

A zoologist specializing in primates or apes.

Classification categories for non-human and human primates?

If a cardinal is bird what is a monkey?

The monkey is a primate. As are apes, marsupials, baboons and such. We, (humans), are even partly in that group. We are bipedal primates. We are considered 'human primates' and they are considered 'non-human primates'.

What are the sources of studying the evolution of man?

The primate fossil record and genetic relatedness between human and modern non-human primates.

What is the difference between primates and non-primates?

Primates are characterised by large brains relative to other mammals. Their eyes face forward, giving them stereoscopic vision and vision is the sense they rely on most rather than smell like other mammals. Most primates with a few exceptions have opposable thumbs and have developed adaptations to climb trees. Primate babies take a long time to mature because of their brain size, relative to non-primates. Non-human primates have oestrus cycles and many species display swellings during their fertile period.

Which is smarter chimpanzees or orangatans?


Are gorillas primates?

Yes, they are. Other primates include lemurs, monkeys, apes, and humans. Yes, chimps are primates because of their characteristics such as forward facing eyes and nails instead of claws. They are of group Anthropoid and are even further dived in to the group Pongid (or great apes). They are like this because they are closely related to us in genetic material.

How many people are killed by chimps each year?

There are not a lot of human deaths caused by non-human primates. These deaths include being crushed by the weight of the primate.

Why are there no primates in Europe?

Humans are primates, so there are many primates in Europe. Apart from humans, and primates in zoos, there are very few other primates in Europe, with one well known exception being Gibraltar, where some monkeys do live. In general around the world, apart from humans, primates are normally only found in tropical and sub-tropical areas. Europe is not in any of these areas, so that is the main reason you find few non-human primates in Europe.

How any people own non human primates?

I am assuming you are saying "how 'many' people own non human primates?". The answer can not be answered with an exact number, only an estimate, and the estimate is on how many non-human primates are in private sector ownership, not how many people own them. People buy and trade primates everyday, sometimes it being illegal trade, so the number is always varying and when an illegal trade is made the number is not counted. There are estimates suggesting that there are around 15,000 monkeys in private sector ownership, and around 200 apes in private sector ownership. These numbers only include non-licensed individuals who keep them as pets. The number rises dramatically when you add in licensed individuals who breed them, show them, sell them, etc.