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New cells of the same type and with the same number of chromosomes as the cell that underwent mitosis.

a cell that under goes mitosis produces 2 new cells which are diploid in number and they are genetically identical to one another and to the parent

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6h ago

Organisms produce new cells through mitosis. Mitosis is a process where a single cell divides into two genetically identical daughter cells. This cellular division is essential for growth, repair, and asexual reproduction in living organisms.

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15y ago

its chromosomes, either that or body cells but i think its chromosomes

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Q: What do organisms produce through mitosis?
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What type of cell does mitosis not produce?

Mitosis does not occur in bacteria, because they are single celled organisms.

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Do human embryos grow larger through mitosis?

noGrowth is involved by mitosis. Mitosis produce identical daughter cells

What organisms use mitosis?

Organisms that are composed of eukaryotic cells utilize mitosis for cell division. This includes plants, animals, fungi, and protists. Mitosis is essential for growth, development, and tissue repair in these organisms.

How do you produce different cells?

Either through the process of mitosis or meiosis.

Do all cells go through mitosis?

No, not all cells go through mitosis. Mitosis is a form of cell division that occurs in somatic cells to produce two identical daughter cells. However, cells such as sex cells (sperm and egg cells) go through a different type of cell division called meiosis.

What process produces genetically identical organisms?

copy genetic material to produce an identical cell

When do organisms go through the mitosis process?

mitosis in sexually reproducing organisms is used for growth into a multicellular organism from the initial zygote. mitosis is also used for repair in response to a wound, etc. mitosis is used in asexually reproducing organisms for reproduction.the whole process

How do multicellar organisms grow?

Multicellular organisms grow through a process called mitosis. In mitosis, the cell divides itself in two to make more cells and make more body mass.

Do multicellar organisms grow?

Multicellular organisms grow through a process called mitosis. In mitosis, the cell divides itself in two to make more cells and make more body mass.

Spores divide in mitosis to produce what?

Spores divide in mitosis to produce haploid cells with the same genetic material as the parent cell. This process allows for the spores to develop into new organisms with identical genetic information.

How do organisms produce new cells that are exact copies of the existing cells?

in mitosis telaphase makes the replica of the cell when the whole cell splits