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Organs were the first keyboard instruments alive. They are powered by air (unless they're electric) and vary in size. Most organs in big churches and buildings have many pipes which can measure from 3 inches to over 80 ft. I suggest you search for pictures to see what they look like.

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They look like a moth

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Q: What do organs look like?
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A pedipalp is basically the appendages that you see on spiders (that look like antennae) or scorpions (that look like pincers) or almost any other anthropod.each of the second pair of appendages attached to the cephalothorax of most arachnids. They are variously specialized as pincers in scorpions, sensory organs in spiders, and locomotory organs in horseshoe crabs.

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A tree kangaroo's insides look very similar to other mammals. It has a variety of organs like the heart, lungs, and intestines. There are also many blood vessels and fluids.

What does the inside of a cat looks like?

Dark. Joking aside: Like any other animal, a cat contains a number of different organs that perform the necessary functions to keep it alive. Look for any diagram of "feline anatomy" to get an idea of what organs there are and where they are located.

What are internal organs?

Internal organs are organs that are inside your body, like your heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, etc.

What is the difference between the eyes of most animals you are familiar with and the eye spots of dugesia?

The eyespots are not true eyes that are sensory organs that look like eyes.

What laboratory tools used to look the internal organs of animals?

Probably surgical tools like scapels and tweezers.

How many maijor organs?

we have about 9 organs but they have others underthem like brain