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by doing eco-friendly things

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Q: What do other religions believe about the environment?
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Do Animism believe in afterlife?

religions that believe in reincarnation believe in animism, not the other way around

What does other religion has to say about religion?

Religions believe that they are not better, but have a better understanding of certain religions.

Do other religions try to earn god's love?

yes other religions believe in and receive gods love such as greek orthadox

Why do all world religions care about the environment?

Because they believe that the world is made by god and so they do not want to do any harm to this nature and environment made by their god.

What do Hindu's believe about other religions?

Same as what we think about them. They will probably study it at school or have a general interest or knowledge in other religions...provided they're not racist of course!

Do religious people accept that there are other religions?

Yes, but they believe what they think is true.

What didn't the Quakers like?

They did not believe in the other religions

Can only one religion be true?

Not necessarily. Buddhism is compatible with other religions. In fact, most polytheistic religions can accommodate the beliefs of other religions. However, monotheistic religions must necessarily exclude all religions that believe in other gods. The alternative view, held by atheists, is that no religion is true.

How does Islam view other religions?

Well it depends on who you ask. People of all religions have different interpretations on what they believe are true and correct.

Wich religion does not believe in the true god?

It really depends who you ask. It is quite common for one religion to say that other religions don't believe in "the one true God"; if you ask the OTHER religions, they will say the same, but the other way round.

If you profess to believe in Christ why would some religions say you are not a christian?

You become a Christian only if you take Baptism. Many people who believe in Christ belong to other religions as well.