

What do ozone readings tell you about a location?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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10y ago

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Ozone readings of a location tell you about the CFC gases released at that place. Because CFC gases cause depletion of the ozone layer.

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Q: What do ozone readings tell you about a location?
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What is the location of the ozone hole?

The ozone hole is located at the south pole. Antarctica and Australia are covered.

How could u tell were the epicenter is located with 2 seismograph readings?

The difference between the two seismograph readings could tell you where the epicenter is located.

How can you tell if you are affected by ozone?

A person affecting by ozone starts feeling dizzy. Ozone at ground level is a pollutant.

What is the difference between the ozone layer and the ozone people shouldn't breathe?

Just location. Same chemical compound.

Why is one location called bad ozone and one bad ozone?

Ozone present in the troposphere is also called as bad ozone. It is also a green house gas. It is the major constituent of the urban smog.

What are some details of the ozone location?

Ozone hole is mainly located over Antarctica. It is also over Australia and Arctic.

Does the ozone layer form in the stratosphere?

The ozone layer forms in the stratosphere by UV rays. The stratosphere is the ideal location for its formation.

How much did the ozone layer over Australia thin in the 1980s?

Ozone layer is thin over Australia. It is due to its location near poles.

Where is the location of stratosphere?

Stratosphere is located in atmosphere. It also contains the ozone layer.

Location of holes in the ozone?

The 2 holes are over poles. They are not actually holes.

Can you tell one triatomic gas?

Ozone is a triatomic gas

How can you tell if you are being affected by the ozone layer?

Check for Sunburn.