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Q: What do people do in Spain after the Christmas Eve midnight mass?
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What do people in Spain eat after midnight mass on Christmas Eve?

Seafood, Paella

What do people do in Spain do before the Christmas Eve midnight mass?

Go to Confession.

Who deliveres midnight mass from the Vatican?

The pope is the principal celebrant of the midnight mass on Christmas,

Which faiths celebrate midnight mass?

catholics and people in Asia celebrate it. The reason why its celebrated at midnight Christmas eve is because it is believed Jesus was born on midnight December,25 (Christmas Eve)

What is mass celebrated at midnight?

The Pope has allowed priests to celebrate three Masses on Christmas Day, the first Mass is at midnight, then one at dawn, and one during the day. The Mass at midnight is the very first Mass of Christmas.

What is the midnight Mass?

The first of three Christmas Masses.

Unscramble Many supper and Eve then families Christmas attend on French Mass a festive midnight have?

French families have supper on Christmas Eve then attend midnight Mass and a festive

What do people in Spain do after mass on Christmas eve?

They open presents. In some some places in Spain they eat a late dinner?

Do Greeks go midnight mass on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Religious people go on both nights. There are also early morning liturgies.

Do you still have to hear mass on Christmas day after hearing mass on Christmas Eve?

Midnight Mass is technically December 25. obligation solved.

Why did the Pope change the Christmas midnight mass to a 10 PM mass?

He knew people couldn't stay up to midnight. Also he has mass in the morning. ____ Had nothing to do with people staying up past midnight. The current Pope (Benedict) has some health issues that made it difficult for him to do both the midnight mass and the morning one. The official reason given was the Pope had a very hectic schedule and this would accommodate him.

What service is held in church on Christmas Eve?

Yes. In Catholic churchs people go to church at midnight on Christmas Eve. There are usally lots of candles and Christmas decorattons Or at least its Christmas Eve at the start, at the end its Christmas! Im not sure about other religions.