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Southern hospitality refers to the unique courtesy extended by people in the southern united states towards strangers. Southern hospitality typically centers around meals.

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Q: What do people mean when they talk about southern hospitality?
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People do talk about them. You probably live in the northern hemisphere, so the Northern Lights are more relevant there. In the southern hemisphere, people would be talking about the Southern Lights, as that is what they might be able to see. Where they are, they would not be talking about the Northern Lights.

What does mean when people talk?

its mean that u mean it or its true

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It means you talk to people you socialize with them :)

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It could mean a number of things. Maybe she and her friends find you interesting. People talk about people in life, good or bad.

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Well it usually stands for the word, "people". Normal shortcut that some people use. in stead of that crazy talk up there!!its text talk ttyn(talk to you never)

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Well you know how people say talk to the hand.....thats exactly what it is......

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because them people do not use the site properly.

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it means that people propally dont like you because you talk about others also you talk are mean to people for nothing.thats being preppie

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they are mean.

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It is a internet room where people chat/talk.

What site is it where you talk bad about people?

Nowhere because that is mean.

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just talk stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!