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Q: What do people put above god that can be considered as idols?
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How do we live the first commandment i am the lord your god you not have stranges gods be me?

"You shall have no other gods before me," is the first commandment and it meant that God's people were not to worship idols or false gods that the pagans around them were worshiping. It also carries the meaning that God's people should not put anything between Him and them. Anything you value as more important than God is considered to be an affront to Him and considered to be a strange god.

Who are the idols of Christianity?

There should be no idols in Christianity, except for GOD! But anything can be idols which is bad....

Where in the Scripture does it talk about wanting worldly things above God?

One such reference can be found in the New Testament, specifically in 1 John 2:15-17, where it warns against loving the world or the things in it more than loving God. This passage emphasizes the importance of prioritizing spiritual values over material desires.

How many times does God command the people to cast down their idols?

It really depends on who He was talking to. Because I know He's had to tell people at least twice to "cast down their idols'

What god did Terah worship?

The bible does not exactly say which gods that Terah worshipped. We do know that he worshipped idols. Some believe that he worshipped multiple gods and goddesses.

Why are there no statues of god in a gurdwara?

Sikhism as a religion is opposed to idol worship therefore you don't find any statue of God in a Gurudwara.

When is the word god not capitalized?

When it refers to idols, such as a pagan god.

Who are the gods or idols of judaism?

None. We believe in One God, who created the universe. We have no gods or idols.

What change did Muhammad do?

He changed the world by teaching people that praying to idols are very bad and are against the rules of ALLAH (GOD). he made so many people become a Muslim and fought against the people who are forcing innocent people to pray to those evil idols.

Is it true that christian people worship the idols of mother mary?

No. Christians don't do that. If a person worships idols of Mary or anybody I suggest they are not Christian. Throughout the Old Testament of the Bible God's people were disciplined for worshiping idols. The teaching of the New Testament is that an idol is nothing, so why would a Christian worship one? 1Co 8:4 Therefore concerning the eating of things offered to idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no other God but one.

Who is the one who introduced idols to Islam?

nobody; Isalm doesnt have any idols. It believes in ONE GOD (same God in Christianity and Judaism) who is not a statue.

How do you get the idols in pocket god?

You look at the hints available and then do it.