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On average, people in the US spend about $30-$50 per month on household supplies such as cleaning products, personal care items, and other essentials. However, this can vary depending on family size, location, and lifestyle.

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Q: What do people spend on household supplies?
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Related questions

Where might one purchase household supplies?

One might purchase household supplies in stores like HomeDepot or WalMart. One can also purchase household supplies on the web in places like Amazon, DollarTree, Tmart or CVS.

How much does the average woman spend on food and household supplies each month with this information to be used on divorce documents?

Ask for three months worth of reciepts and then do the math to get an average.

How much does the average American spend on health insurance?

According to the U.S. Dept of Labor, an average household of 2.5 people spend $2664.00 a year.

How much do parents spend on school supplies?

they usually spend about $150

What is the percentage of income spent on household expenses?

Most people spend around 60% of their income in household expenses. The expenses include things such as mortgage, utilities and food items.

What is the average cost of the household appliances?

On average an household will spend about 50% on heating and cooling bills, 25% on lighting appliances and the reminder is split between various appliances like washing machine, dryer, TV etc. The average cost for a family of four is around $270 a month.

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On average, families in the United States spend about $700 per household on school supplies and clothing for back-to-school season. This figure can vary based on the number of children in the family, their grade levels, and individual shopping habits.

What are facts about Canadian Tire?

They are department stores specialising in vehicle parts and supplies and household parts and supplies.

What Household item contains fluorine?

Most cleaning supplies .

What are the roles of the household sector?

To spend income and consume

What does the word GROCRY mean?

It is a place that sells general household supplies

How much does the average household spend on clothes?

Maybe 500$?