

What do pharaohs do to their slaves?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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9y ago

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These were mainly prisoners of war. He would distribute them amongst the temples and the senior officers who proved themselves effective leaders in war. Some he kept back for his household and for his numerous building projects.

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Why did pharaohs want the slaves to biuld a pyramid?

they didnt care about them and they needed a place to keep the pharaohs after they had died

What are the similarities between Egyptian pharaohs and slaves?

they are both egytians

Who told the slaves where they had to work in ancient Egypt?

The Pharaohs told the slaves directly or sometimes they sent their men to inform them.

Did the slaves get buried with the pharaohs in there tombs?

yes they do they burry kings in the pyramids so they must have put pharoahs in to

What was the duties of the pharaohs?

The job of the Pharaohs was to boss people around and make sure Egypt was safe and fit for adventure ...some Pharaohs became overwhelm with ruling and many became greedy.

Did the pharaohs feel sorry for any of the older slaves being beaten?

no they should no remorse

Did the Egyptians bury their pharaohs with all their belongings?

Yes. Also buried were their slaves, wives and pets.

When did Egypt start to get slaves?

There were few slaves in Egypt before the expansionist policies of the New Kingdom pharaohs brought thousands of prisoners of war into the kingdom.

What was the relationship with Egyptian pharaohs and the Egyptian slaves?

well for one they were never "slaves" the ancient Egyptian people built pyramids for the "gods" they worshipped and thought maybe it would get them a good spot in the afterlife! but anyways the pharaohs were there basically as the man in the middle between gods and humans. The pharaohs didn't interact with the ancient Egyptians but was more of a ruler to them and told them what the gods wanted from them.

Who made the pyramids for the pharaohs?

No Jews the pyramids were built long before Israel