

What do pie graphs best show?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Pie graphs are ideal for showing proportion. For example, if you have a budget, and a certain amount of money going towards various different things you might make a pie graph of this information. The pie graph would give an easy representation of which expenditures (slices) are biggest, and which are less significant. Whenever you have a known amount of something, split up into different proportions, the pie graph is the best graph for demonstrating those proportions.

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b the pie graph is circle ok

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Bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts Bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts

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Pie Graphs are usually found in the geometry section of math!Answer:Pie graphs are often used in budget discussions where the presenter wants to show "what share of the pie" each office function gets or which eachpart of the company contibutes.

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The three kinds of graph is bar graph, line graph, and pie graph. bar graph is used to compare two or more things. A line graph is used to show changes over time. A pie graph is used to show proportions.

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pie graphs

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A pie chart. But since each has a 20% share it is hardly worth a graph.

What are pie graphs good for?

Pie graphs are good for showing a percent of something.