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None. pigs can live almost anywhere, and will eat almost anything. Contrary to popular belief pigs prefer to be clean and dry; unless it is hot. Then they prefer to be wet, preferring clean water over mud. This is because they cannot sweat.

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Q: What do pigs need to take care?
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Can guinea pigs take care of themselves?

No the owners take care of them

Do the female pigs take care of the piglets by themselves?


Do you need an exotic vet for guinea pigs?

if you ask your normal vet they may have someone who can care for guinea pigs. At my local vet there is someone who can care for guinea pigs

Are guinea pigs suitable for busy people?

no they need alot of care

How do farmers take care of pigs?

I have the swine flu. wish you have it

How can you take of a guinea pigs teeth?

Guinea Pigs are Rodents, and their teeth are always growing. Provide them with materials to gnaw on, and they will take care of their own teeth.

What is the diet of pigs?

They eat everything, from vegetables to bacon. Take care, don't put 2 pigs in the same place.

What kinds of animals do they take care of?

we should take care for animals like dogs cats rabits fish turtle and gunnie pigs thank u

Should you get a ferret or guinea pig?

Well They both Take a lot of work Guinea pigs are social so they need to have to 2-5 guinea pigs 2 is fine. And i own them and yes they are very hard to take care of Ferrets i dont really know about but what ever you want.

How long can guinea pigs be alive?

3 to 5 years depending on how well you take care of them.

How do you take care of a guineapig?

guinea pigs need a cage, food ( i recommend oxbow cavy cuisine), and timothy hay, and a water bottle. the cgae will need bedding ( recommend carefresh ultra (the white kind))

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you need to take care of your child's milk teeth