

What do plants get from animals?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Carbon dioxide is the main thing plants get, but they also get nutrients through animal excrement and carcasses.
it uses a fluid in its self called chloroplast this use of chloroplast is photo synthesis

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They get energy from plants as plants produce energy. Hebivourous animals get the least energy, but the top animals of the food web gets the most energy.

Plants also provide oxygen for animals

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Animals get most of their energy and nutrition from plants. Animals either eat the plants, or eat animals that ate the plants. Also, it gives animals a place to live. Such as spiders, ants, moles, and other animals. Plants also provide animals oxygen.

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animals need plants because animals like deer depend on plants like grass(to eat). and plants need animals because if the animals did not eat the plants then the plants would become an invasive species. and then it would be hard to take back, or exterminate the plant.

How do the animals affect the plants?

Animals' dung make fertilizer for the plants, enriching the soil. Animals eat plants. Animals trod on plants. Animals consume pesky insects that bother plants. Animals consume not-so pesky instects that help plants. Animals pluck plants and wave them around. Animals rub their rears in plants to mark their territory. Animals' dead bodies make fertilizer, which makes it a tad less disgusting than dung fertilizer. Animals affect the plants in many ways, fundamentally.

In what ways animals and plants are different?

animals move plants don't plants photosynthesize animals don't plants have leaves and flowers animals don't animals give off carbon dioxide plants give off oxygen animals have highly developed sensory and nervous systems plants don't

Chloroplasts are in plants or animals?

Chloroplasts are found in plants and some protists. They are responsible for photosynthesis, the process by which sunlight is converted into chemical energy stored in glucose. Animals do not have chloroplasts.

Are there cells that are in plants but not in animals?

There are cells in both plants and animals.

Animals and plants are both?

animals and plants are both species