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they are said to be carnivores

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Q: What do poison arrow frogs eat and are they omnivores herbivores carnviores insectivores or something else?
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Are there more omnivores or herbivores?

There are more omnivores, because humans are omnivores... the only herbivores i could think of,from the top of my head would be plant eating dinosaurs, but those arent really around anymore are they ? Even though people go as "vegetarian" humans are NEVER going to be considered herbivores, bcuzz even some "vegetarians" eat something, that something else died for...

Can you name two consumers?

Herbivores[only plant eaters],omnivores[both plant and animal eaters],and carnivores[meat eaters].

Are ladybugs considered carnivores omnivores herbivores a combination of these something else entirely?

Ladybugs (ladybirds in the UK) mainly eat aphids (greenfly) so are carnivorous.

Are insectivores carnivores?

Yes! If they eat insects in a way they are carnivores because they are eating meat. You can't say they're eating something that's alive as plants are alive and then herbivores would become carnivores which isn't reality.

What is the name of something that eats meat and plants?

Animals that eat plants and meat are normally referred to as omnivores. Those that eat meat are called carnivores while those that eat plants are herbivores.

If something can be eaten what is it called?

If something can be eaten, it is called edible. Producers (plants) are eaten by animals called herbivores. The herbivores are eaten by carnivores.

What is omnivores in a food chain?

omnivores eat both plants and animals, they probably go second or something. x

Do producers break down dead organisms?

No. Consumers include carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores.

Are omnivores consumers?

Yes. Consumers are anything that eats something else. Omnivores eat both other animals and plants.

What is something unique about bears?

Bears walk plantigrade, which means they walk on the soles of their feet, rather than on their toes. Polar bears are the largest land dwelling mammalian carnivores on Earth. Most bears are omnivores, which is different from most animals which are either carnivores or herbivores.

What is a omnnivore?

Omnivores are animals which feed on both plants and other animals. Humans, bears, and dogs are all considered to be omnivores.

What is a type of consumer?

Hmm, I only know of three types of 'consumers' related to food type: herbivores eat plants, carnivores eat meat, and omnivores eat both. Perhaps the fourth would be a 'decomposer'. That is, something that eats dead material as a way of breaking it down, like a fungus or a bacteria.