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there wings help them swim in the water

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Q: What do puffins wings do to help them survive?
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What feauture help insects survive?

a mouth wings legs ears

Facts about puffins?

beats its wings 300-400 times per minute

How do puffins survive in the Arctic?

They survive if they take care of themselves properly.

How do puffins help the environment?

They don't.

How do Puffins help humans?

Puffins help people by being good indicators of when we are over fishing the oceans. When puffins bring home less fish for their young, it indicates fish populations are dwindling.

How do wings of penguins and puffins demonstrate convergent evolution?

No. Both are birds and their wings are a derived trait common to all birds. The wings of penguins and bats display convergent evolution.

How do an insects wing help an insect reproduce?

Wings help an insect to survive because they can remove themselves from danger by flying away. There is no known function of wings in the reproduction process.

What inherited traits help the peacock survive?

If a peacock has no wings it will be cold and freeze to death

What is unique about a puffins egglaying?

both parents help with the incubation

How is the skellig islands related to the book?

because in the skelligs islands there is a large amount of puffins and gannets. This is related at skellig in the book has wings

How do wings help animals survive?

Birds survive by using their capability of flight, their claws, beak,sight, and hearing which is MOST of the time such an advantage even some dogs don't have as good senses as them.they suck their dicks to live if there is no food

Does a puffin fly?

Yes, puffins fly. They can fly at speeds of up to 55 miles per hour and do so by rapidly beating their wings to achieve lift. They can beat their wings up to 400 beats per minute.