

What do pugs sound like?

Updated: 12/6/2022
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Q: What do pugs sound like?
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My pug growls a lot but seemingly playful is that just a characteristic of pugs?

It seems as if it is a characteristic of pugs. My dog is 3.5 years old and when he is playing with his toys or me, he growls seemingly playful. Also, he makes this sound as if he's going to bark, but never really barks. It's sort of like a "MMMMFFFFF" sound. I've heard a lot of pugs do the same.

Do pugs like bacon?

Of course they do.

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Marco valles

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Why did the Chinese worship pugs?

because people thought that pugs were royal, just like the emporer and empress

Why is Pugs?

Why is pugs what.

What does pugs look like?

If you would like to see the look of a cock-a-pug go on the site and click on images and type in cock-a-pugs and they'll show images of them!

Do cats like pugs?

Some pugs get along fine with cats; however, it really just depends on the pug; my pug hates cats.

Do gay people like pugs?

Some gay people do, and some don't. I personally love dogs, but pugs are not one of my favorite breeds.

How do you make your pugs tail curl?

pugs tail curl depending on his or her mood. My pugs tail is curled when he is happy, ( which is like all the time) but when we are leaving to go some where is tail goes down. so its there moods

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Are pugs rodent?

No, pugs are dogs.