

What do rabbits like to chew on?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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Rabbits eat food from pet or grocery stores! When food that is made for rabbits is unavailable, they love vegetables and grass! Give them a stick of celery or carrot! they'll usually eat anything but usually not messy things like juicy berries and tomatoes! the def. say no to that! :)

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13y ago
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13y ago

If you are not looking to spend much money on something for your rabbit to chew on youcould give it an empty toilet paper tube it is great for them to chew. If you do not mind spending money on a toy for your bunny to chew you could go to a pet store and pick up some wood chew sticks (large.) Do not worryabout the dye as it is non toxic.

Instead of purchasing chews at the pet store you can buy safe toys from many online stores including That way you know all materials are safe and you rabbit stays safe!

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14y ago

The best thing for a bunny to chew on is a type of wood called fleeces and they sell them at have a hart pets , petco,petland,and many more pet stores.

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Can rabbits eat turnip?

Yes, rabbits love turnips. The turnip also keeps the teeth short so the rabbit can chew and eat better. Feed your rabbit a turnip today!!

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The best thing for rabbits to chew on are pumice stones. They are good for them because they don't cause any problems. There can also be wooden blocks or some vitamin that you can buy from the pet store. I buy special food that prevents my rabbit's teeth from over growing.

Why do rabbits chew on items?

Rabbits will chew on various objects to keep their gnawing teeth short. If the teeth are long, the rabbit will have difficulty eating food and this will lead to serious health problems. If your pet rabbit has long teeth, bring it to the vet to get it clipped. Rabbits or bunnies chew things to either grind their teeth or to get your attention when they make noise if you have one for a pet.

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No because their teeth are too small and they can't chew it

What things do rabbits do?

Rabbits like to play with toys. They also like to go outside and run around, so if you have a rabbit harness you can take him outside. Rabbits like to chew things, so if you have a wooden toy that he can chew on he would be temporarily happy. Rabbits also like to hide places, and they like rattly toys. If you do put a rattly toy in his cage, make sure that the material of the toy is something that he can eat and wouldn't be bad for him.

What is the rabbit toy?

Rabbits LOVE to chew on wood! You can buy flavored wood at a pet store, or if you snap off a branch of an apple tree, they LOVE to chew on that! :-)