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None of these words are even real words, there-for they do not have meanings.

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Q: What do reneable and non-renable mean?
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What is reneable?

some one stupid like you are

Is Petroleum a RenewableEnergy or a Nonrenable Energy?

Petroleum is considered a non-renewable energy because it is a fossil fuel.

Is coal reneable or non-reneable?

Coal is Non-renewable. It takes many millions of years to form and so whilst it is actually being replaced as we use it, the rate of replacement is so slow that we cannot say that it renews itself.

Is ocean tides non reneable?

Ocean tides will continue as long as the earth, moon and sun exists.

Is pork renewable or nonrenewable?

Who would ask that pork is renewable or nonrenable. Well i think that pork is renewable because pork comes from pigs. Pork is renewable. Theres your answer

What arguments can you make to say that hydro electric power is the best source of energy?

Well i don't know but this is a guess:It's a good reneable source of energy

What is un-reneable energy?

Unrenewable energy refers to energy sources that are finite and will eventually be depleted, such as fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. These sources cannot be replenished within a human lifespan and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Because of their limited supply, unrenewable energy sources are not sustainable for long-term use.

Is the sun a nonrenable energy source because it will runout of energy in a few billion years?

Yes. Technically there is no such thing as a "renewable energy". However, the term is used in practice for energy sources that we can continue using for a long, long time.

What does it mean when an energy resource is reneable?

Non-renewable energy source means that the source will eventually run out and is not renewable.

Why is soil a nonrenable recource?

By soil if you mean the ground which we use to build one then it is obvious. Renewable resources are the resources that theoretically will never run out, like the solar energy, the sun will not stop producing light for a very very very long time so we consider it renewable. Non renewable is oil because it is being produced by earth but at a very slow rate that can't cope with the human demands on it so it is considered nonrenewable. the more we build the more "soil" we use and since earth doesn't grow lager to produce "soil" then theoretically after some time we will run out of "soil" to build, farm and live on. That only happens if the human population increases a lot of course.

Who was king Henry and what did he do?

he was a mean person who lived with mean people in a mean castle on a mean hill in a mean country in a mean continent in a mean world in a mean solar system in a mean galaxy in a mean universe in a mean dimension

What does (.)(.) mean?

you mean what you mean