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Take pictures of the hurricane. Satellites are outside the atmosphere. Hurricanes only affect things in the atmosphere.

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Q: What do satellites do during hurricanes?
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Can hurricanes be tracked by radars and satellites?


Describe the role satellites play in detecting hurricanes?

In detecting hurricanes, satellites can see the air pressures and clouds, letting scientists know when everything is going to happen.

Why are satellites useful in areas that are affected by hurricanes?

Weather satellites allow weather forecasters to track the development of hurricanes, other storms, and flooding patterns. This information allows forecasters to warn residents of the potential dangers.

Why are weather satellites useful in areas that are affected by hurricanes?

Weather satellites allow weather forecasters to track the development of hurricanes, other storms, and flooding patterns. This information allows forecasters to warn residents of the potential dangers.

What measurements are made by weather satellites?

Satellites take satellite pictures of the cloud cover, I don't think any other measurements are taken by satellites. You can do a lot with weather satellites, like looking into hurricanes. Other tools are used to take measurements with to determine the path or strength of a hurricane.

Who discovered hurricane Wilma?

Hurricanes are not "discovered". Wilma, like all other hurricanes in modern times, are tracked from their very nascent states as disturbances over the ocean primarily using satellites.

How has technology changed the way hurricanes and tornadoes are studied?

Satellites allow us to track hurricanes at sea and study previously unseen features. Doppler radar allows us to directly track winds and precipitation in hurricanes, tornadoes, and potentially tornadic storms.

can earthquakes be caused by jets and space ships blasting into space?

No. And hurricanes and blizzards can't be caused by radio signals from TV satellites.

How do scientists do research?

Scientist research hurricanes by flying instrument laden airplanes directly into the storms. They also study them from the ground and from satellites.

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How are hurricanes identified?

Usually, they find you all by themselves. Otherwise, meteorologists keep an eye on what's going on in the earth's weather patterns and notice when a big wind is on its way, and let us know.