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You could reply with a playful response like, "Not as much as it hurt when I hit the ground!" or "Nope, I had a soft landing thanks to my wings." Remember to keep the tone light and fun.

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Q: What do say when your boyfriend texts you did it hurt you when you fell from heaven?
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What does it mean when someone says did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

It means they want to apologize to you and make you feel good about yourself.

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Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? are you from tennessee because you are the only 10 i see. thats all i got

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wel it depends..was that the girl that he cheated with or left you for...if so no! move on hes just gonna hurt ya again

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Is the sentence peter hurt his knee when he fell last week correct?

"Peter hurt his knee when he fell last week" is correct.

If you fell on your side what would happen?

You will get a very sudden pain, would not hurt to much if you fell on carpet or grass but it would hurt on a hard surface.

You are nine weeks pregnant and you fell today could you have hurt the baby?

I am pregnant i am nine weeks and i fell form tow storie . Could my be hurt.