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Scientists then state another hypothesis and test it out with another experiment.

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Q: What do scientist do when a hypothesis is not supported by an experiment?
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Related questions

What options does a scientist have if experiment does not support hypothesis?

a scientist can do another experiment or change their hypothesis.

After the scientist makes a hypothesis they perform a to collect data?

the answer is the scientist designs a scientific inquiry

What must scientist do if the hypothesis is not supported by experimental results?

You can perform the experiment again to check for errors. The best option is to just state in the conclusion the sources of error and why the experiment didn't support the hypothesis. Remember the hypothesis is only an educated guess.

What do you do after you formed a hypothesis?

test your hypothesis.

Should flemings hypothesis be supported or rejected based on the experiment?

To determine whether Fleming's hypothesis should be supported or rejected based on an experiment, one would need to analyze the results of the experiment in relation to the hypothesis. If the data from the experiment aligns with the predictions made by Fleming's hypothesis, then it should be supported. However, if the results contradict the hypothesis, it may need to be rejected or revised.

What do scientist do if a hypothesis is supported?

it is better at their work

Should the hypothesis be supported or rejected based on the experiment?

That depends on the result of the experiment. The experiment is a way to test a hypothesis, and it's completely fine if the experiment disproves the hypothesis. Ideally, though, the experiment will support the hypothesis.

After the scientist makes a hypothesis they perform what to collect the data?

An experiment.

What would a scientist next steps be if his or her data supported his or her hypothesis?

If their data supported their hypothesis, then they would make a conclusion.

What should a scientist do if a hypothesis is supported?

If I was the scientist you would test is as soon as possible then just skip the hypothesis step

What should a scientist do if a hypothesis is not supported?

If I was the scientist you would test is as soon as possible then just skip the hypothesis step

What is a logical statement about what will happen in an experiment if the hypothesis is supported?

If the hypothesis is supported in an experiment, the expected outcome or result predicted by the hypothesis will likely be observed. This would provide evidence to validate the hypothesis and support the initial reasoning or explanation provided.