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I think they call it ''HYPOTHESIS''

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Q: What do scientists call theories that explain all the evidence?
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Why do scientists call their explanations theories instead of calling them facts?

because it is their explanation not someone elses

How do scientists form theories and laws?

Theories are formulated using the scientific method of research where a hypothesis is created, tested and the results are examined. If the hypothesis can explain the data, make successful predictions and is not contradicted by reliable evidence we would call it a theory. For example, Newton's theory of gravity was formed to explain what the relationship between mass, distance and gravity is; after much testing and examination, it was found to hold true (at least for speeds not approaching that of light). Laws are mathematical relationships derived from theories. For example, Newton's law of gravity expresses Newton's theory of gravity in a formula using the required variables as Fg = GMm/d2.

Psychologists use theories primarily to?

Psychologists call ideas about how people thing, feel, or behave "theories" only if they are supported by good research. Generally, the purpose of psychological theories is to explain and to predict the future.

What do scientists call the bending of light?

Scientists call it refraction.

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Which scientists study horticulture?

We call these scientists horticulturists.

How do scientists answer creationist criticisms of the theory of evolution?

Mostly by explaining why these creationist criticisms are based in an incomplete understanding of the principles of knowledge and an insufficient knowledge of the relevant data. Creationists say that one of the main problems of Darwin's theory of evolution is that evolution cannot be proved. They say that the reason why it cannot be proved is because no one was there to observe the process of evolution. They call it a "theory" in the sense of an hypothesis. Scientists say that nothing is 'proved' in science, in the sense of mathematical proof. All theories are judged by the abundance and quality of the evidence in their favor. 'Being there' is not a requirement for theories of stellar fusion or of the internal workings of the atom. What matters is that the evidence can be observed in the present. And the word "theory", in science, does not carry the same meaning as used in the colloquial sense, of 'hypothesis' or 'guess'. A scientific theory is an explanation of some phenomenon or phenomena that has been extensively tested, and for which no contrary evidence exists.

Why do you call newtons theories laws?

the laws of motion

What do you call scientists camps?

Scientists usually go to conferences, not camps.

Can they charge you for selling with no evidence of marijuana?

What do YOU call "no evidence?" If there is no evidence they can't charge you.

What do scientists call an extra test?

they call it investigation/experiment.