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Q: What do silkwarms mostly feed on Mulberry leaves or Lettuce leaves?
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Related questions

What do silkworms mostly eat?

caterpillars mainly feed on mulberry leaves

What do Silk worms eat?

All day, Silkworms just eat Mulberry leaves!!!

What part of the lettuce is eaten?

"As a rule of thumb, the outer leaves as well as lettuce varieties that are dark green and reddish in color are the most nutritious. But even popular, but pale, iceberg lettuce provides water, fiber, folate, and small amounts of other important vitamins and minerals like zinc and potassium." -

Do stick bugs eat fruit?

Some do. They mostly like leaves such as romain lettuce or banana leaves. Be sure to wash off the food and make sure it's pesticide free!

What do giraffes like as a snack?

Leaves's, lettuce, marijuana, cocaine, hash, heroin, vegetables and fruits mostly... Maybe some bread. they are vegetarian's, herbivores..

What is the food chain for the moth?

When it comes to the food chain, moths tend to eat mostly nectar. In particular, moths like to eat Mulberry leaves.

What does a red panda like to eat?

Red pandas eat mostly bamboo, and may eat small mammals, birds, eggs, flowers, and berries. In captivity, they were observed to eat birds, flowers, maple and mulberry leaves, and bark and fruits of maple, beech, and mulberry.

What kind of greens do lizards eat?

mostly lettuce... but never iceberg lettuce it has no nutrions in it

What can I eat with lettuce?

Lettuce is mostly made of water, so you should not have to worry

Can you heat up food with lettuce in it?

yes, but the lettuce wilts and loses its crunch. THat's because lettuce is mostly water, and the water evaporates when heat is introduced.

How many seeds does a mulberry have?

There are approximately 150 species of Mulberry trees out in the world. Only 10-16 of them are accepted by the botanical authorities. They are mostly used for pies, tarts, and the like.

What to most tortoises eat?

They eat lettuce, weeds, grass, but mostly lettuce give the tortise good care and it will live forever!!