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Characteristically banded (sarcromeres) long cells with a lot of nuclei. The cell fibers also have a bunch of smaller cells around them, fibroblasts, which can fuse with the fibers if need be.

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Q: What do skeletal muscles look like under a microscope?
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What muscles are voluntary?

Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles.

Compare and contrast between skeletal muscles and smooth muscles?

Skeletal muscles look like long muscle fibers with a nuclei in each one, looks striated or striped. Compared to a smooth muscle that looks like sheets of thin cells each have a nucleus as well but looks smooth.

What is the invoulentry and voulentry muscles?

Your involuntary muscles are muscles like your smooth muscle (stomach) and your cardiac muscle (heart), which are under autonomic control. Your skeletal muscles are the muscles which are voluntary since you have complete control over them! :]

How does cardiac muscle resembles skeletal muscle?

Hi this is an advert for an advert, if you would like to advertise visit, for all your advert needs! They are both striated muscles, and are both not tapered at the ends.

Why are voluntary muscle also called skeletal muscles?

Voluntary muscles are ones that you have the ability to consciously control: Arms, legs, mouth, head movement, etc. Most of the major muscle groups used or movement and communication are voluntary.Involuntary muscles would be things like your heart and the muscles around your intestines, which you generally cannot consciously control.Voluntary muscles are ones that you have the ability to consciously control: Arms, legs, mouth, head movement, etc. Most of the major muscle groups used or movement and communication are voluntary.Involuntary muscles would be things like your heart and the muscles around your intestines, which you generally cannot consciously control.

How do the skeletal and muscular systems work together to move your body?

Muscles are attached to bones by tendons. The muscles contract to allow movement, while the skeleton gives the muscles support. The muscles and bones move together, basically with the muscles contracting and the bones allowing them to stay up. Something like that.

What types of muscle are under voluntary control?

Skeletal muscles, like biceps, are under voluntary control. Smooth muscle, like the diaphragm, and cardiac muscle are involuntary. Thanks for using!

What muscles are there?

There are three basic types of muscle: smooth, skeletal, and cardiac. Smooth muscles are part of organs like the intestines, skeletal muscles are connected to bones, and cardiac muscles makes up most of the heart.

What are the muscles made like a rope called?

Skeletal Muscles Alternatively: Voluntary Striated Muscle.

What are skeletal muscles like?

Skeletal muscles are spindle, flat-shaped or circular in shape. The circular ones have attachments called "heads" at their ends. Most of the skeletal muscles are attached to bones by cord-like tendons. Some of these muscles are attached to skin, cartilage, or other structures in the body such as the eye ball. Some of these muscles have intermediate tendons as well as aponeurosis.

Do skeletal muscles control the movements of organs?

The skeletal muscle converts signals from the nervous system into movement via muscle contractions. Muscles, like the biceps and triceps, are the organsof the skeletal muscular system

What is the name for smooth muscles that act like skeletal muscles?

eyelids act as smooth muscle(invoulantary) in body