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Give them some romaine lettuce. As well as that add some cabbage, fruits (like banana's, apple, kiwi etc. but NOT acidic fruits) and calcium (bits of old snail shell, crushed egg shells, cuttlefish, chalk or calcium supplements).

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12y ago
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2mo ago

Snails in aquariums primarily feed on algae and leftover fish food. They will also eat decaying plant matter and organic debris in the tank. It's important to provide a balanced diet to ensure their health and prevent overpopulation.

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13y ago

Sea snails eat alge of rocks and fish food flakes!!! They also eat pellets.

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15y ago

they naturally feed on plant herbs and small microorganisms

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14y ago

the snailfish eats small crustacions adn mostly shrimp... to find more info on the fish go to wikipedia, it has alot of info

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12y ago

Yes, snails will eat whatever they can find in order to survive. Therefore they eat ferns.

Answered by: Owen

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15y ago

Most of them are Mainly plant-matter, in the aquarium will eat also uneaten fish foods and meaty foods such as dead fish corpses. Needs Calcium additions to its diet!

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13y ago


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4y ago

Some sea snails are herbivorous and they eat plants and their favourite food is algae and some small fishes..for detailed information

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Q: What do snails eat in aquariums?
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What water snails eat?

hi i`m zoya freash water snails eat a specififc type of plant called elodia this plant you can find in aquariums or local fish sellers!

Do water snails need pumps?

Not necessarily. Water snails can survive without pumps in aquariums as long as the water is clean, oxygenated, and has proper circulation. However, in closed systems or larger aquariums, a pump or filter can help maintain water quality and oxygen levels, benefiting the snails' health.

How and what snails eat?

snails eat veggies

Do apple snails eat small snails?

Apple Snails will eat other snails if you don't feed them. If you feed them, then they are alright.

Do Jews eat snails?

Jews who eat kosher will not eat snails since snails are not kosher. However, not all Jews eat according to the laws of kashrut, so some Jews do eat snails.

Can snails eat pears?

Yes. Snails can eat about the same things that people eat.

What does snails eat?

Different types of snails eat different things. Many snails eat algae or plant material. However there are a great number of predatory snails that eat fish, insects, and other animals. Most land snails eat plants, but snails that live in the ocean have a wide variety of diets.

Do snails eat chrysanthemums?

Snails do indeed eat chrysanthemums. But you can hand pick the snails off the flowers. Then drop the snails in a bucket of soapy water.

Do ducks eat snails?

I know its hard to believe, but, ducks do eat snails.

Do humans eat snails?

Snails are herbivores, they only eat plants.

Do aboriginals eat snails?

no i eat snails and i am not aboriginal The above remark does not answer the question.

Do fishes eat snails?

on my opinion fish do yes in deed eat snails but not all fish