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Q: What do some organisms die without?
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Can some organisms survive without energy?

No. NOTHING can be done without energy.Well, some organisms could remain dormant for a while, without an energy source. But in the long term, they will need an energy source, to have any type of activity.

Without the sun energyall living organisms will?

I think they will die...

why do orgnism die if they do not hae enough water?

Organisms die if they do not have enough water because they need the water to keep them hydrated. Organisms use the water to help them grow and survive. Organisms are like humans. Without food or water, humans would die! Same with organisms.

Are microscopic organisms harmful?

Some of them are, however, there are many microscopic organisms that are not harmful, some of which you could not survive without.

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What happens to all other organisms on Earth if people were suddenly removed from the food pyramid?

Nothing. There are no organisms on Earth that depend on humans for food. There might be some species that would die out naturally without human intervention.

What happens to organisms without ATP?

ATP for a cell is like our food. Without it, it can't funtion, so it would die.

Why do some fish die when they die?

For the same reasons other organisms die. Dying is a part of living.

How is the absorption of heat is important to aqauatic organisms?

It is important for organisms that live in the deep ocean to absorb heat, since it is very cold in that region of the ocean. Without the heat, they would die. Some organisms absorb heat from ocean vents, which provide a large amount of heat.

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How do some organisms such as hydra survive without a central nervous system?

coz they do

When a species of organism only reproduces asexually. due to a change in the environment some organisms are starting to die. predict how the other organisms of the species will do?

A. they will probably die because they have the same genes