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Q: What do stratus clouds tell you about the weather?
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Beside tornadoes what type of weather does status clouds bring?

You mean stratus clouds? Stratus clouds can bring rain but not tornadoes.

Weather associated with stratus clouds?

Stratus clouds are associated with long periods of light to moderate rain or snow.

What weather associated with stratus clouds?

They are uausally accociated with heavy precipitation and clouds

Do stratus clouds bring bad weather?

Not necessarily. The word stratus means layered. If the stratus clouds are low enough they can result in ground fog. Stratus clouds can also produce a light, but steady rain or snow.

What kind of weather is found in stratus clouds?

it is a storm is coming

What type of weather do cirro-stratus clouds bring?

fair weather, no precipitation.

What type of weather is associated with stratus clouds?

clear sky which mean not any types of precipitation

What kind of weather is found with stratus clouds are?

light mist or drizzle

What type of weather does a stratus cloud have?

Basic stratus clouds normally produce a light drizzle and sometimes snow.

What weather is it when stratus clouds form?

Fair weather and/or snow or rain. (closest to the ground it forms: fog)

What kind of weather does stratus clouds bring?

Stratus clouds bring, small amounts of rain. I may be wrong but I have a test on Clouds tomorrow so I should know. And for you information stratus clouds look like a long, fluffy, blanket, and are usually are gray. So when you see stratus clouds you MAY have rain. Like I said I can't promise you that every stratus cloud will bring little rain. So if you'll be walking on a day stratus clouds will be out, bring a umbrella, just in case. Date 9/4/12

What clouds help tell about weather?

cumulonimbus clouds