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There are four chambers in a human heart. All serve to pump blood, but each has a specific purpose.

The chambers are divided into 2 atria (upper chambers) and 2 ventricles (lower chambers), and also can be divided into a left and right side.

The ventricles do most of the "work" and move most of the blood. As such, they are bigger, thicker, and more muscular. The right ventricle pumps blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart. The left ventricle pumps blood from the heart to the rest of the body - your brain, liver, kidneys, and other organs, as well as your arms, legs, face, etc. - and back to the heart.

The atria are "helpers" which help the ventricles to pump more effectively by making sure the ventricles are filled completely before they contract.

there are 4 chambers of the heart. 2 on top and two below. they are called the right and left atruims (the 2 upper ones) and the right and left ventricles (2 lower ones). In order to appreciate how they work, you must go thru the process of oxygenation/circulation of the blood thru the cardio pulmonary system. first, lets say the blood from the body has been depleted with oxygen, it goes in the right atrium thru the superior or inferior vena cava (theyre like hiways which carry the blood to the heart....SVC carries the blood from the upper body and the IVC carries the blood from the lower body)

so, from the right atrum (which is like a containing area for all unoxygenated blod, it pumps it to the right ventricle thru the tricuspid valve (like a door to the right ventricle). when it gets to the right ventricle, it gets pumped again thru the pulmonic valve (which is also like another door) where it gets carried by the pulmonic artery to the lungs for oxygenation.

after being oxygenated by the lungs, there are 4 pulmonary veins that brings the blood back to the heart and the blood enters the left atrium (sort of like a holding area for oxygenated blood) where it gets pumped thru the mitral valve(again, like a door) to the left ventricle wherein it gets pumped (yet again) this time thru the aortic valve (again like a door) to the aorta (which is the largest vessel of the body) that will carry the oxygenated blood to the various parts of the body.

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