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Vous pouvez partir means "you can leave, you can go" in French.

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Q: What do the French words vous pouvez partir mean?
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What does the French word partir mean?

partir means 'to leave' in English.

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What does partir mean in french?

"Partir" in French means "to leave" or "to depart." It is a verb used to indicate the action of going away from a place or starting a journey.

What does the french word pouvez mean?

The simplest translation of pouvez in English means can, as in able to do something.

What does leaves mean in french?

leave = partir, quitter

What does you can mean in French?

tu peux/vous pouvez if you say tu your saying it to one specific person but if you say vous then your saying you plurel

What does bon and partir mean?

"bon" mean "good" and partir mean "to leave"

What does the word 'partir' mean in French?

The French word 'partir' translates to 'to leave', 'to go away' or 'to depart'. It is an irregular verb, so when conjugating use the verb 'etre' instead of 'avoir' like you would with a regular verb.

What does pouvez in french mean?

Could or can or are able to in Could you ...? Can you ...? or you can Are you able to ...? or you are able to.... it's the second plural person of 'pouvoir' verb at indicative present

How do you say spell your name in french?

You can say "Épellez votre nom" in French to mean "Spell your name".

What does pouvez-vous m'aider mean in English?

"Pouvez-vous m'aider" means "can you help me?" in English.

What does Verbe Pouvoir mean in French?

The question 'Pouvez-vous traduire en francais' means Can you translate into French... . In the word-by-word translation, the verb 'pouvez' means '[you] are able, can'. The personal pronoun 'vous' means 'you'. The verb 'traduire' means 'to translate'. The preposition 'en' means 'in'. The noun 'francais' means 'French'.