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they break the pinata with a stick or bat to make candy fall out.

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Q: What do the children do when they celebrate using the pinata?
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What sentences can you with this words and pinata a children treats to strike with Mexican blindfolded filled invited are?

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Who plays with a pinata at Christmas and what is inside?

children and candy

When does Australia celebrate its Children's Day?

Australia does not celebrate a "Children's Day".

How do children celebrate Christmas in Mexico?

how does children in mexico celebrate christmas

What use did the pinata serve originally?

for parties and birthdays, the pinata would be filled with candy, the host would be blindfolded, and he or she would try to break the pinata open with a stick or bat. When the pinata would break open, the children would get as much candy as they could and later they would trade the candy.

Who created the pinata?

The word pinata is actually Chinese not Hispanic. It was used to celebrate the coming of Spring. Marco Polo voyaged to China where he was introduced to the Chinese custom and was eventually adopted by the Spanish, French and Italians. When Mexico was conquered by the Spanish this custom was brought to their new land. SO THIS MEANS THE CHINESE MADE THE PINATA!

Do you create a pinata in viva pinata?

No, you can't create a Pinata on Viva Pinata.

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What anagram can you make with the words and pinata a children treats to strike with Mexican blindfolded filled invited are?

Mexican children blindfolded

What percent of children celebrate Halloween?

65% or 75% because some children do not celebrate Halloween. and SOMETIMES do not celebrate both, not just Halloween.

When do they celebrate Children's day in UK?

We don't celebrate it in the UK.

Who was the inventor of the pinata?

jorje pinata