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The clouds do spin around, but are still puffy. The speed is estimated 10-20 miles per hour.

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Q: What do the clouds look like before a hurricane?
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Cumulus clouds look like !!!!

What do you call Clouds that look like cotton ball?

Clouds that look like cotton balls are probably cumulus clouds.

How do you know a hurricane is coming?

Hurricane warnings usually are issued well before the hurricane hits, so there is time for evacuations and precautions to be taken. You also know when large clouds and strong winds begin that this may be a strong storm or hurricane so if it does look that way you may need to head for safety d.

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they look like that

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Clouds that look like cotton are called cumulus clouds. The word cumulus means "heap" in Latin.

What does the cumulus clouds look like?

Cumulus clouds look like big giant puffballs or cotton balls. Or possibly if you have heard they look like mash potatoes?

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Cumulus clouds look like cotton candy.

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Undulatus clouds

What did the clouds look like yesterday?

There weren't no clouds here in Nairobi.

What did the president casino biloxi look like before hurricane Katrina?

The site has some pre-hurricane photos. I've also added this to the related links for this question.