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It is a way of checking the color printing on the packaging is correct . The last color on the first set / row is always the main bag color . The second set are the tints used .

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Q: What do the colored circles on potato chip bags mean?
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Related questions

What is the Colored circles at the bottom of chip bag?

The colored circles at the bottom of chip bags are there to make sure the colored printers print the right colours on chip bags.

Are potatoes chip bags made up of platinum?

Potato chip bags aren't made of platinum . They are made out of , balls & vaginas . Thats what they are made out of . (:

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Which main ingredient of air is preferred inside potato chip bags?


What gas is in chips?

Nitrogen is the gas found in potato chip bags. The gas prevents the chips form oxidizing and going stale.

Why was the potato considered alive and the potato chip as not?

potato can grow while potato chips can not grow therefore potato is considered to be alive and potato chip is not.

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The empty potato chip bag was hungry

Will potato chip bags explode on an airplane?

No, It will just pop open a little bit at either end (where you would normally pull it open).

What is a good title for a potato chip project?

Potato chip project. Crisp Project. Spud chip project. Yummy crips! All about crisps! Potato chips, potato chips!

What has more mass a potato or potato chip?

Since you can make many potato chips out of one potato, obviously a whole potato has more mass than one potato chip.

What did one potato chip say to the othe potato chip?

"Shall we go for a dip?"

Do cherrios make you gain weight?

That depends on how much you eat. One potato chip a day won't make me fat, but fourteen bags probably will.